From Friday the 2nd of June till Sunday the 4th of June, I will be near Birmingham at the UK games expo inside the National Exhibition Centre (NEC).You can find out more here:
Its going to be a massive event with loads of traders and games and other things... All of which i will miss as I will be on my stall dishing up lots of fine 6mm wares and entertaining comments and questions from fanatics and skeptics alike.
You can find us at table 2‐1021... where ever that is...
I will have oodles of the new stuff such as the US Airborne and the British Paras and of course tonnes of emu wars... I will also have lots of packs of miniatures and terrain and rule books too... So please come and visit us.
But wait, there s more! I wont be alone... Oh no! Its a 3 day wrestle-fest with, Alan Hankin from Grumbler Miniatures, as he relaunches his foray into the world of 6!
You can find out more here: